Skip the Coffee: Try these Tips Instead

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JLP Staff

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Not everyone is into coffee first thing in the morning to help them wake up. Here are some tips from around the web to add to your morning routine routine that do not include a caffeine fix.

1. Get Natural Sunlight and Fresh Air: Wither this is going outside or opening your blinds and windows, many people find it easier to wake up with natural light and a morning breeze.

2. Take a Cold Shower: Your shower doesn’t have to be cold the whole time, but a little blast of cold water, especially on your face, can feel cleansing and refreshing first think in the morning.

3. Try a Different Breakfast Staple: This can be a drink or snack. Instead of coffee, try tea or freshly squeeze fruit juice with natural, not artificial, sugar. Starting your day with protein or a fruit, like an apple, can actually provide more energy than a caffeine boost.

4. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration impacts the flow of oxygen to your brain and can make you feel tired. A cold glass of water is refreshing and helps many people feel alert, even without

5. Move your Body: Some people prefer lower energy activates, like walking, stretching, or even chewing gum. Others prefer high-energy activities like running, working out, or doing jumping jacks. No matter your preference, moving around in the morning can elevate your heart rate and increases the flow of blood to your brain to wake you up.

6. Stimulate your Brain: If physical activity is not for you, you can still stimulate your brain in other ways like play Sudoku, write in your journal, doing a crossword puzzle, reading the paper, and even shop online.

7. Tidy your Space: Spend five minutes making your bed and organizing your bed and bathrooms before taking off for the day. Decluttering will refresh your mind and make you feel accomplished before you even leave your house.

8. Make a Morning Soundtrack: Many people get pumped up and energized from a good song! Whether you prefer to sing in the shower or set your alarm clock to wake you up with your favorite tunes, singing and dancing along can wind you up.

9. Relax your Body: Waking up worrying about all that you have to do that day can be stressful and exhausting. Take a few minutes to relax your body before jumping into your day. Try giving yourself a massage or brush your skin using a dry skin brush to increase circulation and skin glow. Some people even use aromatherapy and oils to relax their senses in the morning.

10. If all else fails, fake it till you make it! Act like you are super awake or surround yourself with other morning people—you may get a boost off of their energy. Interacting with others and laughing first thing in the morning is a great way to start your day!

Categories: Health, Newsletter
About The Author
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Joan Lunden’s in-house research and writing team works with Joan to create content that complements her focuses and the interests of her fans. The team is dedicated to creating a thriving community through content and conversations, and hopes their work, like Joan’s, can make a difference in the lives of her readers everywhere.

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