The Best Way for Baby Boomers to Find Employment

The rate at which our society is changing is accelerating each year. What used to hold true in the past just doesn’t apply any more. For example, one former pillar of the American culture was spending the majority of your career working for a single company and racking up huge retirement benefits that would make you set for life.
Even before the Great Recession, our economy was changing drastically. Today, it is more common for an individual to work for many different companies over the course of their career and employers have changed the way they provide benefits to their employees. Most modern employers don’t offer retirement benefits that are as lucrative as they were in the past. As such, it is becoming more and more common for seniors to find new jobs—even after retirement.
As if finding a job isn't hard enough these days, for baby boomers looking for work, where on Earth do you begin your new hunt for a job?
The sad truth is that it is downright difficult to find a job in the modern workforce if you are over 50. More often than not, corporations like to hire twenty-somethings to fill vacant positions because their minds are still moldable and they can be indoctrinated into a company’s organizational culture. Furthermore, it’s more likely that a recent graduate or potential candidate who is young yet experienced will have the required cutting-edge job skills. With so much competition from bright young whippersnappers, it can at times feel hopeless finding employment given your senior status.
For those of you that are struggling to find a source of income or work to keep your mind sharp, you should be aware of a new website job board, Over 50 Job Board (“Est. Before 1965”... “Where gray hair is a plus!”), that caters to those of us over 50. This website is the perfect antidote to boredom, apathy, and a lack of financial means for individuals who are starting to age. Whether you need a full time income or just some extra spending money, there is a great chance you will find what you are looking for by consulting this job board. In fact, they have listed over 78,000 different jobs, all targeted at candidates over 50.
But don’t make the mistake of thinking that these are “bottom of the barrel” types of jobs. You won’t be picking up trash on the side of the highway or delivering pizzas. Major companies Macy’s, Staples, and a whole host of other well-known businesses are using the job board to seek qualified candidates. Furthermore, the website makes it easy to find a job in your desired field such as legal, accounting, finance, education, nonprofit, manufacturing, marketing, healthcare, and many others. Just enter your zip code and the site will populate jobs near your immediate area.
This site is an incredible resource for the baby boomer generation and it helps put the perfect employment opportunity within your reach. If you feel that it’s time to rejoin the workforce, this is the place to start!