How to Have a Healthy Retirement and Live Well

After decades spent saving and toiling away, retirement can become the best years of your life. However, there are some things you need to consider to continue living well. Today's retirees are able to age more gracefully than any other generation in human history, and we have an unprecedented opportunity to get the most out of life. To make sure you take full advantage of your retirement, keep the following in mind.
Protect Your Health with Nutrition
We have all heard people say that without good health you have nothing. As such, you need to make conscious decisions to proactively maintain your health after you retire. As we all know, the centerpiece of good health is a healthy diet. You don't need to do anything drastic like adopting an extremely stringent lifestyle such as veganism or vegetarianism for good health, but these diets are among the healthiest eating habits. Even small choices to eat better here and there can improve and maintain your health.
As we have told our grandchildren, remember to eat your vegetables. Research has shown that raw produce contains phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals that help with the abatement of diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.
Protect Your Health with Regular Exercise
Even a little exercise can do wonders for your health, and it doesn't need to be excessively strenuous. To protect your health, you don't need to train for a marathon or attempt an Arnold Schwarzenegger workout routine. There is only one thing you need: consistency. Moderate exercise (four or five times a week) has been shown to drastically reduce the risk of heart disease and even protect cognitive ability as we age.
Furthermore, your workout doesn't need to feel like work. There are plenty of ways to enjoy your workouts such as taking a walk, riding your bike, or swimming. You don't even need a gym membership to do these things. Combined with a healthy diet, exercise will help minimize your risk of developing health problems.
See the World
Have you ever dreamt of traveling to a special place in the world? Now that you have less responsibility and more free time, it's time to see the places you have always wanted to see. Maybe it has been your dream to see the Great Wall of China, Venice, or maybe the pyramids of Egypt.
Even if you find it financially irresponsible to visit these places, you can still travel within the United States. We are fortunate that our country is so large, we seem to have a little bit of everything! Take some time and do some traveling; caring for your mind is just as important as caring for your body!
Try New Things
Never lose your excitement and vigor for life. Trying new things is a great way to ensure that you don't fall into the trap of a dull, boring routine. Something as simple as trying a new type of food or restaurant could open up new doors for your life and expose you to new people, but there are countless other things to try. New types of sports or exercise, new clubs and activities, and even learning a new foreign language can reinvigorate your life and keep your mind sharp.
Retirement is a transition, and a big one for many of us. Caring for yourself—your mind and your body—will ensure that you can take advantage of all life has to offer!
Aging Well, Healthy Living
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