
Beth bielat   headshot

Beth Bielat

Emotional Health / 0 Comments


Meditation and other forms of relaxation have been proven to reduce stress the way you perceive it. Whether it’s TM, breathwork, tai chi, yoga, or other relaxation techniques, you can benefit greatly by learning to let go of stress. From better health to a greater sense of peace and happiness, meditation techniques can positively alter your life.

“The mind can affect the healing process right down to the level of cell division and cell replication,” states John Kabat-Zinn, PhD, founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic at University of Massachusetts Medical School. Many study groups repeatedly support that through meditation and reducing stress, the body’s’ natural healing defenses become more stimulated and illness and disease are more apt to be fought off. 

Studies have shown that meditation can actually make you feel happier. There is a sense of peace, joy and serenity that can be attained through these practices. Most participants report more energy, less worry, and a general sense of happiness. 

Meditation does not only affect you while your in the state of “meditation,” it affects you throughout your day and throughout your life. It is call a “State of Mindfulness,” where you live your life in a more peaceful, less judgmental and less fearful way. You don’t jump to conclusions, you don’t pass judgments too quickly and you TRUST, while letting go of fears.

All in all, the benefits of meditation and stress reduction far out weigh any negative ramifications (I guess the only one would be finding time). But once you start meditating, you will find that you won’t have time NOT to. 

Categories: Emotional Health
About The Author
Beth bielat   headshot
Beth Bielat has spent 35 years as a fitness professional.  She is the fitness director for Joan Lunden’s Camp Reveille as well as the fitness professional and manager at the Ocean reef Club in Key Largo, FL.  Beth specializes in life coaching, martial arts, self-defense, yoga, tai chi, and she is a certified nutritional councilor.  Beth founded the LifeBreath Institute and she is an author and speaker on health, nutrition, and fitness.  Beth is also a mom, grandmother, devoted wife, outdoor enthusiast including cycling, hiking, canoeing, backpacking and swimming, healthy cooking devotee and a strong believer in spirituality and faith.