How To Stay Healthy Physically and Mentally During the Holidays

We hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season and spending time with loved ones or simply taking some time for yourself.
During the holidays it can be easy to get caught up in all the chaos that goes into preparing but it is very important to remember to stay healthy physically and mentally. Our fitness & wellness expert Beth Bielat sent us some tips on how to keep our composer during this holiday season.
How to stay healthy physically and mentally during the holidays...
One of the most important things to do is to try and keep your daily routine. Try and stay on your fitness plan and exercise! If you find that there is not enough time during the day and you have to skip the gym to hit the mall, travel to see friends, or even just because you're cozy hanging with family - there are still a few things you can do. When shopping, park in the parking spot furthest away from the entrance, wear comfy shoes and power walk as you travel from store to store. Take a walk with the family in between opening gifts and one of the many meals! Exercising every day is very important, so even small bits here and there are beneficial.
If you're attending a holiday party, eat a healthy snack before you go so you don't show up hungry. Eat sensibly between parties and special events. The holidays are a time to celebrate, so if you overeat or "mess up" your eating habits it is not the end of the world, get back on the horse the next day. Drinking a lot of water helps you stay hydrated and full longer. You can even make it special by adding fizz and a splash of fruit juice to give it color and flavor.
The holiday season can take a toll on your mental health just as much as your physical health. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, meditate for a few minutes each day. I find that when I wake up and before I go to sleep are the best times for me. Throughout your day make sure to BREATHE! and make sure to practice your abdominal, relaxed and rhythmical breathing techniques.
The most important tip I can give is to remember that the holidays are about spending time with your family and friends. They are a time of joy and happiness. Pray for gratitude, serenity, love and peace and let go of all the things that you can not control and that aren't important.
Happy Holidays & Best Wishes!