5 simple steps to lower your risk of diabetes

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JLP Staff

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When it comes to type 2 diabetes — the most common type of diabetes — prevention is a big deal. In addition to listening to your body and knowing your family history, making a few simple changes in your lifestyle now, especially food intake and exercise, may help you avoid the serious health complications of diabetes down the road, so consider these tips: 

  1. Focus on Fitness, whether it is taking a 10 min walking break in the middle of your work day or lifting some weights with a friend. This will help keep your body healthy and help you shed those last few pounds 
  2. Flip your Food: Try to cook most of your meals at home and reading the food labels so that you know exactly what you are eating. Try to fit in more fiber, and go for the whole grains. Challenge yourself to purchase a fruit or vegetable that you have never tried before when you are at the grocery store.  
  3. Drink more Water: Whether its finding a new favorite, downloading an app, or using the idea of water bracelets, drinking more water will improve your overall health and reduce your risk of diabetes. 
  4. Quit Smoking: You hear it again and again, but this is one of the most important risk factors to eliminate from your lifestyle. Diabetes is another possible result of smoking. 
  5. See your doctor regularly, and don't forget to check your teeth, feet, and eyes! 

Categories: Diabetes, Health, Newsletter
About The Author
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Joan Lunden’s in-house research and writing team works with Joan to create content that complements her focuses and the interests of her fans. The team is dedicated to creating a thriving community through content and conversations, and hopes their work, like Joan’s, can make a difference in the lives of her readers everywhere.

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