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Need A Lyft? Get Yours Inside!

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ALIVE with Joan

ALIVE with Joan / 0 Comments

Do you need a LYFT? Today is your lucky day!

There are so many women who face difficulties just getting to their cancer treatments. That's why I'm so thrilled to see one of our big American companies walking their talk: Ford Motor Company. For over 21 years, Ford has been in the fight against breast cancer, dedicating over $128 million to the cause through their special initiative, Warriors in Pink. And this year, Ford's partnered with the ride-sharing app, LYFT, to offer free rides to patients who need to get to their cancer treatment.

I joined in on one of these rides and surprised a special patient, Charmon, as she used a free ride to get to her chemo. And now, I want to extend the offer to all of you. Click the pink button below and Ford will set you up with two rides to help make your treatment a little bit easier.

Categories: ALIVE with Joan
About The Author
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Joan Lunden's dedicated breast cancer community.