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She Was Given 3 Months To Live...8 Years Ago

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ALIVE with Joan

ALIVE with Joan / 0 Comments

Bershan Shaw was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic breast cancer and given three to six months to live...that was in 2007. Now, more than seven years cancer free, Bershan lives to tell her story. It's people like her who help give hope to the thousands of women, and men, battling metastatic cancer every day. I hear from many of you who voice your concerns about the lack of attention this type of cancer is given - believe me I hear you. That is why I am making it a priority to shine a brighter light on metastic breast cancer here on ALIVE. Please share your story and let your voice be heard and keep checking back for more stories, information and resources.

Categories: ALIVE with Joan
About The Author
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Joan Lunden's dedicated breast cancer community.