Happy Earth Day!

It is so easy for all of us to live upon this planet of ours and forget about how amazing it is, how it sustains us, and provides us with food, water and oxygen. I remember when I was a little girl, about 7 or 8 years old, my father planted a vegetable garden with me and my brother, filled with zucchini squash, tomatoes, corn, watermelon and green beans.
My dad was a surgeon so he was neat and methodical. He made tidy even rows in our little vegetable garden with tiny mounds of dirt evenly spaced down the rows into which we dropped seeds, or in some cases little baby plants. We then watered them and covered them with potting soil and checked back daily to care for them and watch them grow. We squealed with glee when we started to see vegetables growing! I swear we grew so much zucchini that my mom couldn't figure out enough ways to cook squash! What I gained from this experience was a love of vegetables, which to my father was the main purpose since he was raised as a vegetarian not to mention he was an oncologist and knew the importance of eating an abundance of fruits and vegetables in your diet.
I learned to appreciate what comes from our earth and I'll always remember that very important lesson. I plan to pass it on to my little ones this year and I am so excited!