Lunden Offers Advice on Caring For Aging Parents

As we get older, so do our parents & loved ones - and some of us become their caregivers.
Yesterday I spoke at the Circle of Care Luncheon Celebration hosted by Your Aging & Disability Resource Center (Area Agency of Aging) at the Kravis Center, in West Palm Beach, FL. Here is some advice I gave the audience on caregiving:
Lunden offers advice on caring for aging parents
WEST PALM BEACH — NBC “Today” show special correspondent and former “Good Morning America” host Joan Lunden has some advice for boomers who are faced with caring for their parents: “Don’t just find a nice home and drop them off.”
Citing the importance of constant family interaction, Lunden said children must visit regularly and keep saying “I love you.” Also, she said, while the latest achievements of the grandchildren are interesting, aging parents often connect better with old stories. So humor them by talking about the old days and looking at old pictures, especially if they are experiencing dementia.
For the full article, click here: