Breast Cancer
Shake it Up
My nutritionist Brad Davidson shared this green shake that I drank during and after chemo for breakfast. It's pretty good - take a look!
3 Ways To Prepare For Losing Your Hair
For most of us, we lose our hair when we go through chemo. And believe it or not, there are ways to really prepare.
Myth 14: Make Treatment Decisions Immediately
After receiving a breast cancer diagnosis, it really feels as though everything moves at lightening speed. Don't fall subject to the common myth that you must act right a...
Myth 13: No Boobs = No Breast Cancer
Beware of the common misconception that "no boobs equals no breast cancer."
Myth 12: Breast Cancer Always Comes in the Form of a Lump
Most of us fear the dreaded discovery of "the lump," which all too often is found out to be cancer. But there are other symptoms of which we all must be aware in the abse...
Myth 11: The Smaller The Breasts, The Lesser The Risk
Regardless of how much we all care about our breast size, it doesn't have anything to do with our risk of developing breast cancer. Many people think that the smaller the...
Myth 10: Your Underwire Bra Causes Breast Cancer
I am happy to report that there is a consensus among the medical community that debunks the myth that your underwire bra causes breast cancer, but I wondered, where did t...
Myth 9: They Cause Breast Cancer
So this is one that I hadn't yet heard of but apparently there's a lot of talk about our deodorant causing breast cancer.
Myth 8: Family History Is Everything
The all too often myth, "if you have a family history of breast cancer, you are likely to develop breast cancer, too," plagues women into taking often drastic action.
Myth 7: You Will Definitely Develop Breast Cancer
If you are someone who has tested positive for the BRCA gene, know the facts before jumping to conclusions.