Be Bold, Be Bald!

Be Bold Be Bald! is an organization that helps to raise money for cancer charities around the world. Every year, on the third Friday of October, they hold an all-day event, which takes place “wherever you are.” Participants go “bald” by boldly wearing a bald cap to honor those who bravely battle cancer and to help raise money in the fight.
Those who are brave enough to take part in this day are sponsored for their bold move and choose a charity of their choice for their proceeds to benefit. More than 40 local and national cancer organizations are beneficiaries of the movement.
Losing your hair is just one of the many battles that those of us fighting cancer may have to take on. This is a beautiful and fun way to show support and help raise funds that are so greatly needed. One organization near to my heart, The Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation, is an official beneficiary and I’ve donated a special signed cap that is currently in auction. 100% of the proceeds go straight to Dr. Susan Love’s organization.
And since everything in my home is a “family affair” we thought we would have a little fun with the bald caps! Four of my little kids proudly posed in bald caps, along with our dog, Bentley, in support of me, their mommy. I am so lucky to have such an amazing and supportive family unit.
To learn more about Be Bold, Be Bald! visit:
Visit the Be Bold, Be Bald store: The Bald Shop