Just Be You

Ali Lambert Voron is a remarkable woman. She is a commercial voiceover actress, motivational speaker and writer. At the young age of sixteen, Ali lost all of her hair to alopecia universalis. Her medical struggles continued when at thirty-three, she lost her colon to a severe bout of ulcerative colitis. What Ali hasn’t ever lost is her inner and outer beauty, strength, and inspirational attitude that inspires everyone around her. Ali has dedicated her life to encouraging others to discover their inner beauty within themselves and to be proud of who they are. Her past experiences, both good and bad, have shaped her into the strong woman, loving wife and adoring mother she is today.
In her personal endeavor to inspire others to find their inner strength and beauty, Ali blogs about her life and speaks publicly about her own experience suffering from autoimmune diseases. Her charity, Bald Dolls 4 Bald Kids, delivers bald Bratz dolls to children coping with alopecia areata and kids undergoing chemotherapy who have lost their hair.
Most recently, Ali founded "Just Be You" in the hope that her message of self-love and acceptance will spread all over the world. Ali just put out this PSA, "Beautiful In My Eyes" which immediately gave me the chills when I watched it. Having just gone through losing all my hair and dealing with the emotional effect that can have on a woman, this video spoke to me. Hair can feel defining, but we are so much more. This video speaks to not only people with alopecia, not only people with cancer, but this video speaks to anyone who might be dealing with a self-confidence issue... which honestly, isn't that all of us in some way or another?
Ali's mission for Just Be You is to inspire people of all ages to love and accept themselves just as they are. We celebrate the fact that every person is special in his or her own unique way. Just Be You encourages people to embrace these differences, develop confidence, and inspire others to do the same. I stand up and applaud Ali and can't wait to be a part of her journey.