Happy Earth Day!
I want to share with you an Earth Day Remembrance I got from a special friend Brian Luke Seaward - - author, professor, and environmental activist and film maker. I became a fan after reading Brian's book "Stand Like Mountain, Flow Like Water." Brian has influenced the way I look at the world and my participation in it. And as usual, he reminds me to honor my planet on this Earth Day.

Today, hold a vision for the earth; a vision of clean fresh waters running through all streams and rivers; a vision of pristine oceans teeming with abundant life where all species of fish are plentiful (Whales too!); a vision of clean air that invigorates the spirit of all humanity; a vision of vibrant healthy rain forests that continue to thrive; a vision of humanity than lives sustainable, correctly using resources that add to the concept of sustainability; a vision of our precious, healthy blue orb of planet spinning delicately in the cosmos and all life on her living in harmony. Please hold this vision in your heart and mind, with the intention that all of this is true in this “now” moment. Make a promise to yourself to return to this vision once a day, every day and let it guide your thoughts and actions to live life more sustainably.
Remember, every day is Earth Day!
Best wishes and gratitude,
Brian Luke Seaward Planetary Citizen, Environmental Activist and Filmmaker