Vote Today in the 2014 Midterm Elections

The 2014 midterm election polls are open!
For those who don’t know, the midterm elections are general elections, held every two years near the middle of our Presidents term. But unfortunately, less than half of the eligible population is likely to show up.
It’s estimated that 55%-65% of eligible Americans vote in the presidential election but only 39%-42% will vote today in the midterms.
Why should you vote?
Those who do visit the polls will help to pick Senators, Governors and Representatives in Congress and vote on 147 state ballot initiatives, which can range from GMO labeling requirements to legalizing marijuana. And although this election is focused more on local affairs they do have national consequences, helping determine what President Obama can do in his final two years in office.
The outcome of today’s elections will decide the future leadership of the Senate and have a significant impact on state and national policies. The 2016 Presidential election is also just around the corner and ultimately these midterms have a huge impact on the future of our country.
So, make your voice heard on the issues that matter to you most. Get out there and vote - your vote counts!
Need help finding a place to cast your ballot? Click HERE find a polling location near you!
For 2014 state-by-state poll opening and closing times click HERE.
Learn about the election HERE.