Happy December!

I love December, festive lights are being strung around the neighborhood, holiday music is playing at my favorite shops, and the season of giving has definitely begun! While on the internet looking for a few hard-to-find gifts, I came across a website listing some important things to remember this month and I wanted to share them with you.
AIDS Awareness Month
December 1st was World AIDS Day, a day where all around the world people took action to raise awareness of the AIDS pandemic. The first World AIDS Day was held on Dec 1st, 1988 and the day gains more publicity every year. This year companies took action like Nike who started their Red Laces initiative with all proceeds going to AIDS programs; Celebrities put on concerts with proceeds going to their foundations of choice; and even Twitter went red! To find out more, you can visit: http://www.worldaidsday.org/
National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month
Consider this… According to the CDC, “Every day, 36 people in the United States die, and approximately 700 more are injured, in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver… about three in every ten Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash at some point in their lives, and Alcohol-related crashes in the United States cost about $51 billion a year. If these statistics don’t strike you, I don’t know what will! I used to be a spokesperson for MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) so this one caught my eye. This month, people are urged to consider what can be done in our communities to prevent these injuries and losses. For more information, you can visit: http://www.cdc.gov/MotorVehicleSafety/Impaired_Driving/3d.html
National Tolerance Week
I liked this one as a conversation topic at my dinner table. It’s important to me to teach my young children to have an open mind to all types of people and their beliefs. I always try to teach them that not everyone is alike, even we sometimes will disagree! And our differences are no reason to fight.
And here are a couple others that I found and liked!:
Write To A Friend Month
I always tell my older girls that there’s nothing like a handwritten letter these days. In this generation of emails and texting, there’s something really special about picking out a cute card, or taking out a piece of stationary, and spending the time to tell a friend you miss them, you love them, or simple, “hello!” It’s a small gesture that can have a big impact on someone. I love going to the greeting card section and picking out a whole bunch of cards for the year! I then keep them in a file, by category, and I’ve never shown up to a birthday or anniversary empty-handed!
Read A New Book Month
I’m an information junkie so I can get lost in the non-fiction section of any book store! But whether you like non-fiction or a good novel, take a moment to escape your day and enjoy a new book. It feels like a gift to yourself!
Learn A Foreign Language Month
Why? Why not?! It happens to be a great way to keep our brains in shape!
National Hand Washing Awareness Month
Isn’t this one appropriate with the swine flu going around! I’ll celebrate this one all holiday season!
Safe Toys and Gifts Month
With young children I am constantly thinking about safety. I even went so far as to invent my very own safety product, Kinderkord! I also serve as the face of child safety for my show Health Corner, so this one hits home with me. Be sure to take a close look at small parts included with toys when purchasing gifts, get all the necessary equipment before sending your child out on a bike or those new rollerblades, and stay safely connected while traveling and shopping this busy holiday season (with Kinderkord!)
National Sign Up For Camp Month
I kid you not, this was on the list! And I just couldn’t resist including it since my husband owns summer camps for children and I host my very own summer camp for women, Camp Reveille. I think that this winter when we’re getting the cold weather blues, adults should have something to look forward to when the ice melts…camp is not just for kids! So do what the holiday tells you, sign up for Camp this month!! http://www.campreveille.com/
Did I miss any good ones? Let me know!