Sun & Fitness at Ocean Reef
I took a little trip down to The Ocean Reef in the Florida Keys where my head of fitness for Camp Reveille, Beth Beilat lives and works during the year. I am here now, getting some sunshine, walking a ton, working out, eating well, and having meetings and think tanks for this summer's session of Reveille taking place August 18 - 21. We are planning for some really fun new additions to camp like Beach Zumba and more inspirational sessions to choose from!
This morning I had fresh sliced Papaya that was so delicious and fresh, yum! Then I took a great morning power-walk around the club to explore a little bit..

I'll head this way!

Nice Neighborhood, huh?

These are Bougainvilleas, and I say, anywhere these are growing taller than me is a perfect place to walk!

So this is how they stay so white! Maybe they're shining up for lunch out in the keys....

Maybe I'll find my way back here later...
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