Keeping Our Elder Parents Moving
As our parents and loved ones become older, we strive to make them feel happy and comfortable. We might look the other way when they have a big juicy hamburger or a little extra dessert, and we also tend to let them become less physically active. As we know, part of the ageing process is becoming less mobile and many people can't or simply don't feel like being that active as they reach their golden years. While we want to make our older parents happy, we also have to remember what is best for them and their mobility is very important to their health. Stretching and moving keeps the body and all its joints active and working properly. Physical exercise can help the body with things such as arthritis and can also help the mind, lifting spirits and easing depression.
I recommend A Place for Mom's article about this which also offers other advice for helping an elder who has arthritis.
And in the meantime - check out my mom! I was so excited to see this video of my mom and a few of her friends doing some daily stretches, even while sitting they are getting their bodies moving and also enjoying a group activity together which is important for their spirits!