Know Before You Go - 8 Personal Safety Tips for Running at Night

Thinking about taking up running as a new hobby? It doesn’t matter if you are running in the middle of the day or at night; you need to take precautions. Runners like to get into their “zone” and block out the all the distractions around them. Here are 8 must know before you go simple tips to help keep you safe while you stay in shape.
1. Always tell someone where you are going, what route you are taking and what time you expect to return. Planning the safest possible route in advance is extremely important.
2. Try to run in pairs or with a friend. Although this may not always be possible, I’m sure you remember the old saying about “safety in numbers”, well it’s true!
3. Carry pepperspray with you at all times. Put it on a lanyard around your neck or tuck in your sports bra. It’s inexpensive, quick, easy and very effective against single or multiple attackers. Just point it at someone is a great deterrent if necessary.
4. Bad guys are looking for easy targets. Leave one ear free from your radio, iPod, etc… We get so caught up in our personal electronics that we are walking in front of cars and into bad situations. You need to hear if someone is approaching you.
5. Carry a small light weight flashlight, wear light colored clothing and/or be sure that you have reflective material on your outfit or your shoes. Also consider the elements when you are running. You don’t want to be over or under dressed.
6. Try to run in well lit, high traveled areas. You are less likely to be a victim when in crowded area and if for some reason you need assistance, there would likely be someone around to help you.
7. Don’t allow anyone to approach you. Keep your personal space of 7-10 feet. Often time’s bad guys will try to strike up a conversation with you in order to get closer, leaving you little or no time to react.
8. This probably goes without saying, but always keep your cell phone within easy access you with 911 as a speed dial.
The safety tips in this article and many others can be found on our Simple Self Defense for Women DVD. Please visit our website for more details.