National Nutrition Month Advice from Health and Wellness expert: Beth Bielat
Did you know that March is National Nutrition month? Our Health and Wellness expert, Beth Bielat has some advice on how to make changes to our daily routine and increase our nutrition intake.

It's National Nutrition Month and a great time to take a look at your nutrition and well-being. Here are some helpful tips that (if you follow) will make you a little healthier, energetic and just might keep you living longer with a better quality of life....
Water - It is so important to drink lots of water, approximately eight 8-oz. glasses a day. I know we are all very busy during the day and we don't always remember to consume the necessary amount of water needed, but I came up with a new idea to help keep us remember to drink our water! I have been implementing this idea while down in Florida and it's been loads of fun and very successful - here is what you will need: Purchase 8 easy-to-get on bangle bracelets of your choice (We have used inexpensive plastic one's bought at a party store or retail store. At the start of the day, you put all eight bracelets on your left wrist. As you drink each glass of water, you switch a bangle to your right wrist. At the end of the day you should be "ALL RIGHT." It's amazing, fun, and a real talking piece. We have hundreds of people doing this at my club. Often times, members THINK they drink plenty of water, but it's a real eye-opener. You could become a health advocate just by sharing this with others!
Tweaking - (NOT twerking) Often times, making small changes in your diet can make a huge beneficial difference in the long run. Here's a few easy tweak's:
- Eat Breakfast! - If you never skip breakfast, you're already on the road to better health. If you don't like "breakfast food," try things like soups, salads, or fruits.
- Eat Often! - Eating smaller portions every few hours is a great tweak.
- Eat lighter, later! - Try to eat heavy meals earlier in the day when you are more active, and end your days with a light dinner. Calories are meant to be used to energize you throughout the day, we really don't need a lot of calories sitting in our stomachs as we try to fall asleep at night.
If you feel you have trouble over-eating or want to cut out some unnecessary calories try these:

- Eat a small meal before you go out to dinner or are attending a dinner party. You will feel less hungry, make better choices and if you drink alcohol, it won't go straight to your head.
- A small salad before lunch and dinner. (It will keep you from over-eating your main course)
- Add fruits and vegetables to meals and snacks. (fruits and veggies should be served with ever meal)
- Ask for the dressing on the side.
- Try salsa or humus as a salad dressing.
If you're trying to lose weight or just wanting to better your eating habits, try avoiding these:
- Sugar
- White flour
- Crackers
- Cookies
- Chips and dips
- Cheese
- salad dressings with chemicals and hydrogenated oils
- Soda and fruit juices
- Fried foods
- Processed foods
- High Fructose Corn Syrup
"You don't have to be a good cook" In my nutrition classes, I teach my clients food preparation. I always tell them that they do not have to be good cooks, just good choppers. Making chopping fun and easy, by having easy-to-get tools and having fresh foods on hand to make cooking a "no-brainer." When you shop, purchase lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and keep them ready in the fridge. I like to take a few hours on the weekend and prepare my snacks and meals for most of the week. This helps me stay on a healthy track and I spend a lot less time doing it.
The New "Big One's" So the new war on nutrition is anti-sugar. Experts are linking many diseases with consumption of any type of processed sugar. Diseases such as Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes and Arthritis have all been connected. Another lifestyle that we are trying to change is Americas sedentary lifestyles and obesity. This struggle is considered just as important as our fight against cigarette smoking and will continue to plague our society until Americans switch their daily routines with healthier practices. STAY ACTIVE.