At Foxwoods Resort with

In today's digital world it is critical for each and everyone of us to create and manage our personal brand. This was my take-away message to those attending the annual conference of today at Foxwoods Resort.
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and personal blogs make it possible to be our own PR Guru these days and to create our personal brand image exactly as we want to be perceived by potential customers or employers.
Whether you are just out of college looking to enter the work world or growing a multi- million dollar business it's important to control what anyone will find about you if they search you on the internet.
Heres a tip I shared with the audience today...
If you create a personal web site and/or blog, create it under your full name as the domain name (, then you will own the first result for your name in Google and other search engines.
Interestingly when the time came that I wanted to create my web site someone had already laid claim to my name (most likely so that I'd have to buy it back). It took lawyers to help me reclaim it, but it was well worth it!