5 Spring Cleaning Tips For Seniors And Their Families

With spring in the air and temperatures on the rise, families are starting to pack away their winter clothes and declutter their homes in preparation for summer.
For those of you who act as a caregiver to a loved one(s), keeping a senior's living space clean and organized is important for their safety, and will benefit you while helping them transition into the next stage of their lives.
Here are a few of my spring cleaning tips for seniors and their families...
5 Spring Cleaning Tips For Seniors And Their Families
I remember all too clearly that moment when I was searching through my mother's home, desperate to find her driver's license, her marriage certificate and other important documents that I needed in order to help her. I was across the country, in California where my mother lived to help her make the transition from living on her own in a condo to living in a senior living community. Although I made the trip to visit with her frequently, I must admit that I never fully realized just how much stuff she had accumulated over the years. (Read more)