Pay Now or Pay Later
Along with many of you, most of my clients have made their new years resolution to "get healthy" and I keep reminding them of my new and favorite expression about health and wellness - Pay Now or Pay Later.
I have been a trainer and Martial Arts instructor for over 35 years and I have observed aging, weight gain and loss, healthy and unhealthy lifestyle changes and much more….
"Those who dedicate time and energy (pay now) to their health and well-being get paid interest and dividends. Those who are generally on unhealthy life-style paths (pay later) get charged interest and late fees."
It just makes perfect sense, right? Of course, there are factors that we can’t control, like birth defects and genetic inheritance, but there are lots of factors that we DO have control over. Diet, exercise, positive thinking, and lifestyle are all choices.
Welcome #2015 and make a lifestyle choice to get healthy! A little commitment and dedication goes a long way. We are in charge of our health and our destiny, in so many ways. Take charge and, as we say, “just do it!”