Dairy Free Coconut Coffee Creamer Recipe

While being on my anti-cancer eating program of no dairy, no sugar and no wheat the one thing that I miss the most is my morning cup of coffee - not that I can’t have my morning coffee anymore, I just can’t have my creamer and adding thick delicious (sometimes flavored) creamers to my coffee is my favorite!
A couple weeks ago Kate Coyne, executive editor of People Magazine, came to my rescue. Kate and her team came to my home for my People Magazine cover shoot and while I watched everyone prepare their morning cup of coffee I expressed my envy towards them. I really wanted my creamer!
Kate remembered a dairy free creamer recipe that she took out of a cookbook that she thinks I would enjoy, and she was right! So I am passing it onto you….
Dairy Free Coconut Coffee Creamer:
- 1 CAN UNSWEETENED COCONUT MILK (approx. 13.6 fl. Oz) *note: use the CANNED stuff, I like Thai Kitchen Pure Organic...shake can well before using as it can separate in the can; should be at room-temp, NOT chilled.
- 1 WHOLE EGG (ideally at room temp; take out of fridge a few minutes before using, or hold between hands to take the chill from the fridge off)
- 2 TABLESPOONS COCONUT OIL, JUST WARMED TO LIQUID CONSISTENCY *note: coconut oil hardens into a waxy substance below a certain temp; make sure the oil is warm enough to be liquid, but NOT HOT
- 1 TEASPOON VANILLA (optional; I personally like the added flavor and it cuts a bit of the coconut-y ness of it all)
- Put coconut milk, egg and vanilla into blender and begin to blend. As blender is running, drizzle in the 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Blend for roughly one or two minutes, until all are well combined. Resulting mixture will resemble frothy whole milk.
- Put mixture in fridge and after a few hours, it will have thickened into a Cool Whip-like texture; it will be too thick to pour— you spoon it into your cup. It will keep in the fridge for approximately a week.