Fiftysomething Diet: Eat a Big Breakfast or Not?

Breakfast is and forever will be the most important meal of the day. It provides our bodies with the energy and nutrients it needs to perform throughout the day, physically and mentally.
I follow this newsletter, Next Avenue - where grown-ups keep growing, which often has great stories. I loved this one. I fight the ongoing breakfast battle all the time with my 12 year old daughter, Kate. I'm always reminding her that it's crucial to eat a healthy breakfast in the morning to jumpstart her body and brain. I always knew that a balanced breakfast was important for growing children, but while reading this article I was really interested in it's findings since it was really focused on my age group. Take a look:
Fiftysomething Diet: Eat a Big Breakfast or Not?
Blood sugar levels can be greatly influenced by how much, and when, you eat
Breakfast is an important meal for cultivating good health, but a handful of recent studies seem to be building a case for it ranking as perhaps the most critical meal for fifty- and sixtysomething eaters, particularly when it comes to preventing and managing diabetes.
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