Sweeten Up the Healthy Way

Since I've shared that I'm on a no wheat, no dairy, no sugar eating regiment people who are trying it out too are saying they are having a hard time cutting out sugar. It's easy to see why, take a look at the ingredients in most of the things you eat and you'll find sugar in almost everything. To help everyone with a sweet tooth, here is a list I've used myself from Dr. Robert Zembroski's book Rebuild that tells you how to keep some sweetness in your meals without sacrificing your health.
These are the sugars you should be avoiding:
- Sugar (cane, brown, raw)
- Evaporated cane sugar
- Dextrose
- Glucose
- Sucrose
- Corn Syrup
- High-Fructose corn syrup
- Maple syrup
- Maltodextrin
- Sugar alcohols (Erythritol, Maltitol, Mannitol)
Try these instead In very small amounts:
- Agave nectar
- Coconut palm sugatr
- Fructose (fresh fruit, dried fruit)
- Organic honey
And instead of sweeteners like:
- aspartame
- saccharine
- sucralose
- Rebaudioside or reb A (Rebiana)
- Stevia (Stevia, Sweet Leaf)
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