lynnette zupko

because I am a stroke survivor I am not savy enough to learn how to do this. My voca and spelling are off due to this illness and I did the best I could.

I am 69 and have been a stroke survivor since I was 40. I never thought I would live this long and always thought thru the years that I would die of another stroke. I was wrong and have lived a beautiful life. At the age of 31 was when I first had a mammogram and was told I had fibroid, cysts and dense breast. I never missed my annual appointments and something had to have an ultra sound or a cyst drained, but always manage to walk away for another year. There was NO cancer in the family and my original doctor always told me that cancer did not hurt, but fibroids did. He also said that with age the fibroids would get better and the older I got the better my breasts would become. Then right after Thanksgiving I felt a lump on my right breast and it woke me up one night with discomfort. I left it alone and with Christmas right around the corner 12/23rd I went and had it checked out. All within 40 minutes I went from my momography to ultra sound and had the doctor standing over me telling me it might be cancer and go to my doctor of choice and have my breast checked out. I have had all my test, lumpectomy and am receiving radiation and I still believe I will die of another stroke, but I am not afraid of my Stage II cancer. With all the wonderful doctors and nurses.....I have faith and cant thank them enough xo!

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