
I felt a lump on 10/21/15, needless to say couldn't sleep after that. I hadn't had a mammogram in 4yrs, I was under the impression that ,as far as I knew, no one in my family had been diagnosed with breast cancer. The next couple of weeks were like being on a roller coaster ride, Dr visits, tests.
On 11/6/15 I heard the news that confirmed I had a malignant tumor and needed more testing. The next couple of days I had a needle core biopsy which did reveal my biggest fear.
On 11/13/15 I had a lumpectomy and the tumor was sent off to Genomic Testing, to determine the risk of the cancer reoccuring.
Within next couple weeks test did reveal a score of 31 which led to,currently under, chemo treatment.
My cancer was caught very early Stage 1 with negative nodes, however very differentiated cells. The treatment is difficult , however, I will beat this and I look forward to hearing " I'm cancer free "
Thank you for your strength as it gives me strength !