Brooks Harman

Pretty Lady, my bride of 35 years is 15 years recovered from breast cancer and you are just as beautiful without hair as she was. I loved her without hair as much as I love her with hair and believe me, you are loved also. Chin up, God is good and He has made our marriage much stronger since her cancer. By the way, she is 78 and I am 67 and after 35 years I often wonder how our marriage can get any better but every year she is more beautiful to me and our marriage just gets stronger and better. Her heart only operates at a 30% level and she is not in the best of health but every day that she is with me is an unbelievable blessing from God. One regret I have is we will not be married in heaven for Hebrews 13:2 describes her perfectly but I am honored, blessed and grateful for every day He gives me with her. May God bless you and your family as He has so richly blessed me.

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