Anita Ronk
My little boy shaved my head, we made it a party,45, mother to 4 yr old son, diagnosed Triple Negative August 2014. BIG PANTIES ON, LETS DO THIS.
I to, and still today after 8 rounds of harsh chemo, and a mastectomy Dec 18th, was in total shock. I go to gym daily, eat pretty good, had mammogram. Mammogram in April 2014, they had me back in 5 days later for spot check, and was sent home see you next year! Several months later I find a lump in my L breast, Dr schedules biospy, YES ITS CANCER AND IT IS 7cm in size! I'm two weeks into 6 weeks of radiation, keeping my chin up and pressing on, I have a son I look so forward to raising. It's a true test of faith, and I'm blessed for the relationship with God that has deepened since my journey began. It's a horrible, sneaky, uncertain disease. Prayers for a cure.