Linda OHara
My Gyn doc had been watching a thickening on the outer side of my left breast. When I had my annual mammogram February 2012, additional views were taken, many more than in the past. I knew that something was up. The radiologist came out and told me that he found calcifications in my left breast but was 80% sure that it wasn't cancer. I was scheduled for a core biopsy one week later. The results were DCIS, Ductal Carcinoma in Situ. Cancer. A lumpectomy was scheduled. Same diagnosis, state 0 less than 2 mm in size, smaller than a grain of rice , my surgeon told me that DCIS is considered non-invasive cancer. My treatment plan was 28 radiation treatments and 5 years of Tamoxifen. Radiation was a piece of cake but I was scared silly. Tamoxifen gives me hot flashes, but that is a small price to pay. With the above treatments, my outcome, is a 98% cure rate. It's been a rough, scary journey, but I am able to put it behind me and get home with my life. I am so glad that I have many years ahead of me!